Emily Kngwarreye – Big Yam Dreaming

Wednesday 31 August
Big Yam Dreaming - By Emily Kngwarreye

Today I found an Indigenous Artist which excited me when looking at her artwork. Emily Kngwarreye is a fascinating artist who started her career at a very late age. I am just absolutely in awe at the work she has produced and I particularly like her Big Yam Dreaming piece. I can appreciate that she is depicting her story about the yam, however I like this piece of work as it is visually stimulating, it is almost graphic and I guess that is why I can relate to it so much.

This image is just to get an idea of how big this piece or art is!

It looks like a complex piece with lots going on in it, however within the piece there are sections of simplicity and more complexity which is how Kngwarreye tells her story.

My dream is to see a piece of her art in real life!